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Ancient Secrets of a Christian Warrior

Despite the many liberties and freedoms our country affords, Americans rank higher in

• sickness,
• disease,
• crime,
• addiction, and
• obesity

than any other country in the world.

How sad that when the rest of the world looks upon our daily habits—eating, entertainment, etc.—they can see that most Americans live in discontentment and frustration. When it comes to living healthy, balanced lives, we are a nation out of control.

But author Catherine Yack says, “The Lord has given me a new hope for the people of our country.” In her first book, Ancient Secrets of a Christian Warrior, Catherine takes you on her journey to freedom through application of the secret code of Bushido (“way of the warrior”). And you’ll see how this admirable ancient code of ethics of the samurai warrior, a code of selflessness and self-control, can help set anyone free.

“This book is a very good tool for anyone who wants to be free of bondage. I have seen Catherine use this very information to find freedom in her life. My prayer is that anyone who would read this and put to practice these disciplines would find the same liberty in their lives.”

—Rev. Lynn R. Truman, Harvest Fellowship Church, Roosevelt, Utah.