The Book

I endured some difficult times as a human being. Yet, my life is strangely and wonderfully peaceful and joyous. I credit that outcome to the constant pursuit of prepared thinking or prethought! Instinctive decision-making is easier than deliberating over life’s complex execution. I have navigated complex issues like a point guard driving to the hoop for an easy lay-up—all due to having the proper mindset.

This first day of becoming a happier you is celebrating what we call “empathy.” Within the pages of this writing are ideas and suggestions from someone who had entered terrible brokenness that culminated with the separation and the divorce of my first marriage decades ago. Most of what you’ll read reflects the principles I have utilized to create a much happier version of myself. I spend more time with myself than anybody else! In your pursuit of empathy, recognize that other people have experienced hardship, trauma, and disillusionment like yours. People have not picked us up but have let us down. I trust you’ll enjoy the rest of these writings and reflections from my heart to yours.