The Book

This is my story.  It is written from notes, letters, and journals from the past. I took those letters, my best memories, and the memories of Clark to tell this story. I also returned to a therapist and ask for their opinion and memory to help me tell it as accurately, as honestly, and is raw as possible.

You’ll read in these pages an account of the lies I internalized from my childhood, how they affected my marriage for years, and the truths that God brought to me to set me free and redeem my marriage. You’ll read about heartbreak, confusion, loss, hope, and healing. It’s chronological, except where it isn’t! Most of all, it’s honest, as accurate as a flawed memory can recall, and— spoiler alert!—has such an ongoing happy ending because of the goodness and love of God

I hope God speaks to you during this book and that you feel his mighty presence. He loves you so much. He thinks you are absolutely the greatest masterpiece he created you to be, and I do too. You are so much more than you might believe, and I pray that he reveals that to you through this book.