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Dear Friend,

I hope these poems bless you in a beautiful and special way. Writing them has truly been a blessing for me.

Every poem in this book is a watercolor memory.

Every moment you hold dear and close to your heart is a watercolor memory.

My poems are born from so many beautiful and impactful moments in my life—moments that filled my heart with endless joy and moments that brought me to seemingly endless tears. There have been moments that broke me down to my knees to pray, over and over again and moments that are so special I know they were sent to me by God. They are moments that are touched by the colors of other people’s lives, running into mine forever.

For as long as I can remember, both the arts of watercolor and poetry have been most cherished in my family. While I was growing up, my parents, siblings and I would visit my grandmother at Christmastime, and I would climb the stairs to her loft room to peek at her painting table. Jars of brushes and sponges lined the edge, and her case of watercolor paints were laid to the side. I was always told by my mother to never touch grandma’s painting supplies, but I was only ever interested in the colors splashed across grandma’s palate. I was fascinated by how she would take those colors with her brush and water and create a scene on paper filled with so much wonder. These scenes she painted lined the walls of her home and the walls in my home—scenes painted by both my grandmother and my mother, scenes that are unforgettable.

The art of poetry lines my family’s hearts like the paintings on the walls of our homes. My grandmother used to quote long poems to us as we cuddled with her at night, and I never saw anything else that brought her so much joy. My grandmother’s sister, Lolete Falck Barlow, seems to breathe poetry and has published her own collection of poems, Unheard Melodies. To this day, her poems have inspired my heart and my hand to write and share these watercolor memories.

Some days I wish I could have a watercolor painting of every special memory I have.

I do not have that, but I do have poetry, and so, I will keep painting with words.


Marion Grace Jeffers