About the Books

Your Unique Consciousness

The story of consciousness describes the mystery we are; where we come from before birth and where we go after death; and the thinking both in our body mind and subconscious and beyond it. It is the dimensions of rational awareness of mind and heart we use for our ego and creative life on earth, and in other dimensions around us. Imagine that you have an all-pervading higher intelligence within in your many layered consciousness. How we employ it for this dynamic life with love, and the ways it works, make you the self you are. Consciousness is an energy which comes into the brain of the embryo to activate the mind for this life; it functions at many levels. The level we call the heart is an influence emotionally with love and loving. Consciousness radiates, and the way it relates in us and beyond is the story of our lives. We can use this to great effect with certain techniques. We are alive in several levels of consciousness.

Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century

There are many aspects to healing—healing the body, healing the mind and the influence of your soul spirit. We can achieve good health with modern medicine and nutrition, surgery and public health measures, but what you keep in your mind will be decisive, for you can broadcast good health to all the living cells in your body. Healing is multidimensional and involves our different levels of human body and eternal soul spirit, resident in the unconscious levels of your mind. Healing the world too has become vital and this involves our thoughts.

In studying healing, we see who we are and what we are doing here in this life. We see healing of body mind with many techniques, medical, surgical, and healing of spirit through life. The spiritual healing processes involve planes of spirit within our levels of mind—conscious and unconscious. In the unconscious-mind we find our relationship to the Divine, the power of the universe, All That Is, called God. Belief is important. The combination of medicine, science and spiritual philosophy with mysteries held in trust by religions through time. In our overpopulated world the planet needs healing both by enhancing its regeneration and by refreshing it’s Spirit.