About Me

I grew up being labeled as “too sensitive” and having huge emotions that I didn’t know what to do with.  No one else knew how to deal with my huge emotions either. I didn’t understand why no one else was experiencing the world the way I was experiencing it. Everytime I thought others would feel, hear, see and touch the same as me, I discovered that was not the case. I was teased and misunderstood. I shut down and tried to think of how I could be accepted by everyone around me. I tried to be perfect, tied to be invisible, and tried not be a burden on anyone. I put up walls and only permitted my connection to others to be on a surface level. Despite my efforts not to be so sensitive, I frequently became overwhelmed by the world without healthy coping tools.

Slowly I discovered the term “empath”and that there were others like me. It turns out there are many tools I could use to experience the world in the way I was meant to experience it. I started being visible to myself. I could stop trying not to be me. I had tried so hard not to be sensitive, but now I embrace being sensitive.

This is not to say that I no longer struggle, but I am doing my best to take each step one at a time on my life path. I want to be authentic with you and to everyone around me. It is a process.

I am here to be a lightworker for those who are finding their way, either to themselves, a healthier life or for whatever reason that brought you here today. We are meant to know each other and influence each other’s lives in some way.

I am an empath, Reiki II practitioner, medium, poet,  author and healer. My aspiration is to be a source of light and healing for you not only through my words, but through Reiki or messages from loved ones.  Please see the Serives tab for further information on  Reiki and medium sessions. Please see The Book tab for more information on the poetry book.

I am on this journey with you.