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Mercy Roberts

Mercy Roberts believes touching one soul changes the landscape of the world. Creative expression is her mode of transportation, not her destination, as each new view provides an opportunity to expand and grow. Emotion is her most fluent language, her first language, her favorite language, though she still finds herself misunderstood. She writes to connect with the vulnerability of our humanity. Single motherhood showers her life with lessons in many hues, along with uncertainty, tears, and even more laughter.

She values the healing power in all forms of art. She creates experiences that support, encourage and inspire others to find their voices. She feels that trauma calcifies in the crevices of our beings and needs to be unearthed with love and tender care. She hopes this will break the trappings of isolation and braid threads of connection. This passion is her new heart song. She finds comfort in the power of storytelling and welcomes all to share their stories with her. Together we will break the silence.