
Dr. Anthony J. Emmett’s book collection

Your Unique Consciousness

We live this life in our Body Level Consciousness, a unique one-offcode, which comes into the body as it develops in its mother’s uterus and serves for the duration of the body’s life. This connects into our other conscious levels operating at different frequencies or wavelengths. The sleep level we know well, it gives daily advice and helps us to correct our mistakes by seeing the other side of things.

The Subconscious Level we use every day, a backup system for everyday conscious thinking and doing, it contains your Self-Image which forms from early childhood and before, and guides what you want to be.

The Higher Consciousness is there in your conscious mixture, but its frequency is too high, and you must let it come to you, in response to seeking or prayer. It contains the Divine Energy we call God. With death of our body, we change the frequency and dimension of our consciousness, as we move on in spirit energy levels or planes, described by many who have written on Near Death Experience.

Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century

We each come into this life and world to experience the richness and beauty of planet earth, through our varied and often difficult life lessons. Healing is to save, purify, cleanse, and repair––to make whole. We look at Healing of the body in its many aspects, from the repair

of wounds to the treatment of disease; and the way our spirit in the unconscious aspects of mind is involved with the process. As we travel through life our many injuries are healed in a variety of ways. Man is the last great unexplored mystery of planet earth––in all the wonderful complexity and beauty within body and mind.

Healing involves the interaction of the human body with its Spiritual indweller, the Divinity of your eternal Self, and the way this spirit is essential in all aspects of healing. Holding positive thoughts will enhance healing as you become what you truly seek in your heart. Our life here can be a form of spiritual advancement for we the human soul entity comes to human life for the learning and healing, the love in all things.

Modern medicine has created the means to good health, adequate nutrition, control of infectious disease, treatment of cancer and we look at all of these and more. We have enabled such massive human population numbers creating effects that now healing of the planet is needed.

Yet behind it all is the interpretation of this our conscious life in the world of energy and matter, with the multidimensional invisible worlds around this one, interacting, healing, and fulfilling destiny for each. The progress we make in this human life lives on with us into our future in higher dimensions.

The joy of Love is expressed in action and in the life play we each live out––those wonderful experiences we are gifted with. We heal as we go. Yet through it all the eternal Spirit you are is enhanced by the learning, the giving to others, and the beauty of friendships old and new. The Spirit Soul comes here for the healing, and to rectify past mistakes, learn new lessons, make friends, and progress.

Love, that joy which can come to us swiftly and secretly is the spice of life and the greatest restorative on this earth. The hidden influence between our different levels of consciousness adds to the mystery of life and our healing. These relate into the multiple dimensions of energy around our planet Earth, from which we come and go.

Currently our advanced civilisation is having the problems of world overpopulation and the pandemic of virus disease from the ancient bat populations, as our expanding populations seek more living space. Our widespread use of combustion for travel and comfort needs changing as we learn other ways, and seek to re-forest the planet.