
About the Book

If I could share one thing with everyone, it would be this: we are light.

Literally, we emit light from every cell in our body. This light is information communicating with our collective cellular matrix, instructing every cell, atom, and subatomic particle within us in how to function normally. When we infuse our bodies with light, we nourish the light element within us that generates energy, fueling our cells with the power they need to perform and function properly. We feel and look amazing.

For most people, light emerging isn’t even part of their knowledge base. There are little to no educational or social platforms that talk of our light. It’s considered metaphysical and mystical or too abstract to fathom. It’s been removed from ancient teachings and replaced with insights that lead us to believe we need something outside ourselves to feel better. A pill or a capsule, a drink, or a drug. Something we need to buy and consume to feel good. These are guised as remedies to take away our bad feelings and replace them with upbeat feelings.

Believe it or not, our bodies are amazingly resilient and able to repair most ailments. That is once we start looking at how our body uses light to convert nutrients essential for living a happy, healthy life. This book is an attempt to share what I’ve learned over the years researching and practicing energy healing as a natural DNA therapy practitioner and acupuncturist trained in digestion and immunogenetics. Sharing how the body uses food and light to convert proteins for normal cell functions to occur is my main goal.