Did I tell you today?

As a new parent, you have just started the most important journey you will ever take. You are now responsible not only for yourself but also for the cultivation of another soul’s journey. This is the highest honor and privilege one can have. You have just embarked on a world full of possibilities. You have a chance to create and be creative. This is a time to build and, most importantly, a time to share love, the kind of love that will create a meaningful and profound effect on the life of your child.

You are the architect, building a strong, solid foundation for your little one

    • You are the artist, with a magnificent, unique canvas
    • You are the teacher at the school of the good life
    • You are the biochemist who now has the most powerful codes
  • You are the number one most important person to your child
  • You are the source of love for the new soul you are responsible for
  • You feel empowered with the keys to your child’s best life

Just as we have as adults, our children will define themselves by what they hear, what they see, how they feel, and what they experience through their senses. As they grow and develop, they will gather this information from the foundational internal memory bank that we create for them to draw from. What we say, how we make them feel, and the experiences we create for them will be the building block of their identity. Once the foundation has been laid, as children grow, they will depend on this early but powerful and foundational information to move forward as the co-creator of their awe-inspired destiny.