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Every moment prior to that, I was running, making sure I did not fall behind. I was ‘keeping up with the Joneses,’ as they say. And I was great at the chase.

“All the while, during the pursuit, I was keeping my eyes peeled and looking out for danger, avoiding failure and a fear of falling behind. I was doing great, but I missed everything else. I rarely, if ever, enjoyed any of the miracles and gifts I was blessed with.

“It seems we run and run, work hard, and then work harder to get ahead in the hope that one day we can get off the treadmill of life.

“The problem is that all of these pursuits are egoic tendencies, fearful pursuits. They are addictive. We are addicts, always looking for the next high. Afraid to rest and enjoy the moment out of a fear of falling behind. All we really created was a self-defeating pursuit of suffering.

“The moment I rested; it was miraculous. Not only did I not fall behind, but I was also right there in the moment when miracles occur. There was no fear of falling behind and no urgency to get ahead.

“An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Although I stopped the chaotic egoic pursuit, I am still in motion, aligned with Love.

“The answer is love. Love heals all. Love saves all. Heraclitus is known to have said, ‘The only constant in life is change.’ But, in truth, the only constant in life is Love.”