Book Overview
Do you have late nights flicking through channels, tossing and turning on your perfect mattress, and flipping your pillow a hundred times before you can get comfortable? You purchase new novels and cannot get through the second chapter because you feel bored. Life is full of strangers, situations, drama, and heartbreak, with the same old story every day. Your body becomes restless, and you strain to figure out what is happening.
Did you know our bodies speak to us before our minds catch on? Our body sends up flares waiting for our mind to spot the S.O.S.
If you are reading this book, then something inside of you is yearning for answers. It could be your quest for self-discovery or maybe you feel out of alignment. Perhaps you display signs of a midlife crisis because of inner conflict. Maybe you feel defeated and helpless and have given up or ignored the signals. Days that used to feel somewhat normal have you questioning everything. If you have not moved past this feeling, it’s no wonder.
We live in a world where toxic positivity and ego get in our way of self-enlightenment. So, Nicci Eloise asks (for now), to let the ego take a ride in the back seat. She will help you shed light and activate your spiritual body. She is the guide to living in the present – happy, fulfilled, and peaceful.