

A State’s public hospital’s three execs are a motley crew. But their extravagant $5.5 million scheme would not bypass the brilliance of the Attorney General’s Senior Counsel, Alonzo Prier.

Revered for his intellect, compassionate yet non-compromising style, and bodacious good looks, Alonzo cuts straight to the chase with the help of the talented and tenacious State stenographer, Cindy Jack.

Aiming to impress Alonzo, Cindy excerpts and gives Alonzo the transcripts where she’d recorded testimonies at a State Task Force commissioned for studying the feasibility of deregulation of the hospital industry. Straight from one of the perp’s own mouth, he reveals the impetus for their scheme-gone-haywire!

Will Cindy’s efforts assist Alonzo in cracking the case?